Animals in Captivity Pros and Cons List

Of course, a trip to the zoo is really fun, where you can get relatively close to animals you would not see anywhere else. But though these places run to a strict standard, a lot of people are still against animals living in captivity and being displayed for monetary gain. To get a good opinion about this, here are its pros and cons:

List of Pros of Animals in Captivity

1. Better Houses
Zoo animals are housed in mini-habitats, which means they are living in enclosures that are as close to their natural habitats as possible. Also, when a zoo wants to acquire a new animal, there are strict procedures and rules to follow unlike in the past. It is now required to get the animal from other zoos or through a specialist captive breeding program.

2. Survival
Breeding programs are focused on animals that are facing extinction, and it is only through captivity that they can have a great chance to survive. On rare occasions, abandoned or orphaned animals that were raised as pets are adopted by zoos.

3. Research and Education
One big valuable benefit of animal captivity is the chance for scientists to conduct important research, which subsequently helps them develop new ways and medicines to improve animal well-being. Also, most zoos run educational programs that teach people everything they need to know from animal care to conservation efforts.

List of Cons of Animals in Captivity

1. Poor Conditions
Many people believe that, even with the best conditions and intentions of zoos, these establishments cannot provide the perfect environment for every animal. As an example, it is very difficult to recreate the natural environment for elephants. Mostly, these great mammals will just have several acres to walk around in.

2. Unfavorable Change to the Animals’ Natural Activities
Anti-zoo campaigners argue that the act of zoos to make animals live in artificial environments can messing with their natural hunting and mating activities. Scientists claim that this can cause something called zoochosis in animals, which is somehow similar to the obsessive-compulsive disorder among humans. Aside from this, there is also the problem of privacy, as animals live in habitats that are often extremely smaller than they are used to. This means that they cannot enjoy their much needed privacy, even causing obsessive behavior and depression among them.

3. Artificial Habitat
People who oppose animals in captivity are unimpressed with the zoos attempts to create a friendly habitat for each animal, arguing that these environments, while highly improved and attractive, are rarely big enough to prevent animals from suffering depression. For instance, zebras and giraffes are naturally built and designed to run across miles of plains, which is something they are able to do in captivity.


You cannot deny that animals in captivity are a hot topic in debates, where opposing sides are making valid points. However, at the end of the day, it all boils down to one common interest that is ensure animal welfare. But based on the pros and cons listed above, which side are you on?