Choosing the right audition song for Hairspray requires you to show your vocal strengths when you perform. Consider the nature of the character from the song you are singing and match their vocal range and quality. Lastly, make sure you sing and perform with confidence. If you want to set yourself apart from the others, practice and do your best. Here are some great picks of songs from Hairspray to choose from.
(It’s) Hairspray
(The Legend of) Miss Baltimore Crabs
(You’re) Timeless to Me
All Things Bright and Beautiful
Big, Blonde and Beautiful
Come So Far (Got Go Far to Go)
Good Morning Baltimore
Hairspray: You Can’t Stop the Beat
I Can Hear the Bells
I Know Where I’ve Been
It Takes Two
Ladies’ Choice
Mama, I’m a Big Girl Now
Run and Tell That
The New Girl in Town
The Nicest Kids in Town
Welcome to the 60’s
Without Love
Here is one clip from the movie, ‘Hairspray’ whereas James Marsden performs the song ‘Nicest Kids in Town.’