Having a disability is something that affects a large percentage of people all across the world. Many people may believe that these disabled people don't ha...
Meera Shenoy, a wonderful mentor from India, speaks at this TEDx event in Berkeley about the ever growing problem of disabled people being put down in India...
Ben Strong, a talented theater artist, speaks about his experiences traveling to China. He worked with the factory workers, as well as the children and yout...
With such a large percentage of the United State's population being disabled, the Obama administration has focused very largely on the issues surrounding th...
For a youth with a disability, the prospect of life after high school can be very scary. Not just for them, but for their parents as well. There is not near...
Robert, a wonderful 28 year old man, was born very premature and as a result, suffered a major brain hemorrhage that left him severely disabled. His body do...