Monarchy Pros and Cons List

Throughout history, every form of government has been criticized. Monarchy is seen as detestable but there are some benefits of such a form of government. Democracy is widely seen as the best form of government but it is also criticized for being a rule of majority. Often, the elected doesn’t have an actual majority but just a majority among those who voted, not even all those who are eligible to vote.

There are many types of monarchy so one has to draw that distinction. One form is diarchy wherein two people are the position of heads of state. There’s tyranny which is basically a government formed by oppression and aggression followed by an oppressive rule. Absolute monarchy is one where the king, queen, emperor or empress has all the powers. There’s elective monarchy where a monarch heads a sovereign state after being elected by the people. Emirate is a form of monarchy that is applicable to Arab states. Constitutional monarchy is another form where the king or queen is the head of state but has no legislative, executive or judicial powers. This is what the United Kingdom has right now.

Without factoring in the many differences among these types of monarchy, here is a list of the basic monarchy pros and cons.

List of Pros of Monarchy

1. No Election
Since there is no election, there are no expenses, there is no lobbying and fundraising, no corruption in that regard, no favors and no coteries. A certain segment of the population doesn’t get to elect a leader negating the choice of many others. Elections have continuously shown that three or four out of ten eligible voters voting someone to power simply because some people did not vote. Without elections, the funds can be used for the welfare of the citizens. There are no doles at the time of elections and governments can focus on work all the time instead of just before the elections.

2. Continuity
There is continuity in the rule. Succession is already determined so there is less ambiguity. The same policies are followed. The citizens have predictability and thus stability. There is little room for political maneuvers, selfish interests and upheavals in political circles.

3. Unity and Uniformity
Monarchy tends to unite a country as one people. Since the monarch is representative of all, there is no bickering and discrimination among the citizenry. While there is always room for caste and creed based discrimination, the country usually unites under the name and reign of the monarch. There is no space for multiple political parties and thus ideologies. The country of birth is the identity of the citizens.

4. Less Corruption
This is debate but many experts agree that by doing away with discretionary powers at the various levels of bureaucracy, by getting rid of multiple power centres and by streamlining most administration procedures, monarchy does reduce corruption. It is also true that due to the individual decision making by the monarch, the bureaucracy is more efficient. Government run offices are better managed and services meant for the citizens are delivered more effectively than in societies with multiple power centres and bureaucratic red tape.

5. Stronger Army
Monarchy often leads to the development of a very strong army. Most monarchies had been established through wars and hence monarchy has a penchant for maintaining a strong defense, efficient civil law enforcement and it is also easier for the monarch to allocate funds and other resources to have a more advanced army.

6. Groomed Succession
Whoever would become the next monarch is groomed, often from childhood. The person is trained in various matters of the state and is ready to take on the throne when the time is right. This helps in doing away with an undeserving and ill prepared person leading a country.

List of Cons of Monarchy

1. Almighty Family
The family of the monarch is the almighty. No one has any power, any control over their land or lives, no one can raise a finger and call a spade a spade and everyone in the country is at the disposal of the one family that rules all.

2. Financial Paradoxes
It has been observed that the monarch and his or her family tend to live luxurious lifestyles while many in the country suffer to get the basic amenities. Instead of spending public money on the welfare of the citizens, the treasury keeps paying for the excesses of the monarch and the ruling family.

3. Oppressive Rule
A monarch has no one to put him or her in check. If a monarch chooses to be an oppressor or a tyrant, then there is no stopping it. Likewise, a country can become a welfare state if the monarch is too generous. Any such extremes will lead to a failed state. There can be rebellion or civil war.

4. Incompetent Monarch
Leadership is not genetic, neither is intelligence nor any skill. If a monarch doesn’t have a worthy successor then it can spell doom for the country.

5. Injustice
Since the monarch determines what laws would be made, how laws should be changed or even how the existing laws would be exercised, there can be gross miscarriage of justice.