Mandatory Military Service Pros and Cons List

Mandatory military service is a requirement for all citizens in many countries. Australia, Denmark, Germany, Israel, Russia and South Korea are just some of them. The mandate is normally required for 18-year-olds, and may last for 1 to 3 years. The services usually include combat roles, logistic work, clerical post and intelligence.

Countries who have compulsory military service find the trainings advantageous; however, some nations like the U.S. still grapple with it. Proponents argued that it increases a nation’s military strength, get the youths involved, and creates a sense of national unity. Opponents, on the other hand, believe that it violates individual liberties and is simply unnecessary when volunteered armies are sufficient. Is mandatory military service a good thing or bad thing? Here are its pros and cons.

List of Pros of Mandatory Military Service

1. Offers invaluable experience.
Youths who participate in military service can take with them knowledge and experience they can use in their life outside the military. It facilitates a shift in perspective that can help them see life from another point of view. In one way or another, it can inspire them to work harder and foster in them a sense of purpose and national responsibility.

2. Improves character.
Participating in military trainings will teach young people valuable character traits, such as self-discipline, teamwork, initiative and leadership skills.

3. Teach skills.
Young people can learn many things in the military. They can learn how to drive, cook, clean, operate computers and machines, and so on.

4. Increase patriotism or appreciation for freedom.
Mandatory military service means young men and women have no choice but join the military for at least a year. They lose their basic rights for a while. This could help them appreciate the rights which they take for granted. They would also start to value what they have more, including their country, increasing patriotism as a result.

List of Cons of Mandatory Military Service

1. Violates freedom.
Opponents believe that mandatory military service violates the concept of liberty. It takes away people’s rights to choose whether or not they want to serve in the military.

2. Destroys voluntarism.
Many believes that making military service compulsory will lead to bureaucracy and cause the quality of military service to suffer, mainly because most of the participants don’t have a heart for it. It deprives them the benefits of volunteering.

3. Diverts youth from college education or career pursuit.
Military service can last up to 3 years. This delays young people’s transition between high school and college education, taking them longer to pursue their career.

4. Costly.
While this would give youth invaluable experience and teach them skills, this would also means high cost in running national service.


More than just fostering a greater sense of national unity and increasing citizen’s participation in government, mandatory military service can also provide young people with skills sets they can use later in life. However, making military service mandatory puts the lives of youth at risk as well as delays their transition to university. There is also the risk of causing them emotional harm.