Epidural Pros and Cons List

Epidural is a form of anesthesia that masks the pain of giving birth. While some women plan and demand to be given epidural, other staunchly oppose its use. Although it boils down to personal choice, there are trade-offs to the pain relief that this analgesia provides. Just imagine the possible side effects to this procedure, considering that an anesthetic agent, narcotic or a combination of both will be injected between two spinal vertebrae in a woman’s lower back. Is the temporary relief from pain really worth it?

List of Pros of Epidural

1. Reduce pain and its accompanying effects.
A woman in pain can become depressed and anxious. But, with epidural in her system, she can stay calm or even sleep while going into labor. This is why, despite the associated risks, the relief that an epidural gives will outweigh the dangers. Reduced pain can also ensure a pregnant woman’s mental health.

2. Help prevent prolonged labor.
Stress can result in slow contractions due to the overproduction of epinephrine and norepinephrine, both of which are stress hormones. So, by helping a woman in labor to relax and stay calm, epidural can improve the progress of her giving birth. Since it can lower blood pressure, it is also highly recommended for female patients that may be prone to pregnant-induced hypertension.

It also effectively relieves pain during forceps delivery, especially for mid-cavity/high forceps procedures. When the baby needs to be turned to posterior presentation, epidural can help make the process less painful for the mother.

3. Safer alternative to anesthesia.
Instead of anesthesia, women should be given epidural during a cesarean birth. Not only is it safer, but also enables her to stay alert and participate in the birthing process. When epidural narcotics are used, she would be able to move and change positions at will, since these doesn’t affect muscle function or other sensations.

List of Cons of Epidural

1. Only provide partial relief.
Although it is known to help mask labor pains, relief is only partial in estimated 5 to 10% cases. For labor pains to completely go away, additional medication may be needed. Considering the delicate condition of the expectant mother and the possible side effects, the concoction of pain relievers may have health impacts.

2. Prolong labor.
There are instances that the absence of pain causes a woman to have difficulty pushing through contractions. 38% of forceps or vacuum delivery is a direct result of epidural use that prolonged labor. So even if it can shorten labor in some women, it can have the opposite effect on others.

3. Result in perineal injury.
In the event that a normal labor leads to forceps or vacuum delivery, tears and injuries are likely to happen. Since the increased need for such delivery may be due to epidural, women should think twice about using it.

4. Lead to respiratory complications.
Numbness brought on by epidural may extend beyond the target area. When this happens, a woman may have difficulty swallowing and breathing, which is sometimes fatal.

Now that you know the pros and cons of epidural, are you for or against it?