Death with Dignity Act Pros and Cons List

The Death with Dignity Act, also known as euthanasia or physician-assisted death has been implemented in Oregon, Vermont and Washington. This allows adult state residents who are terminally ill to request for medication that will hasten their death.

The act went into effect in 1997 in Oregon, 2009 in Washington and 2013 in Vermont. Implementation, however, falls into the hands of qualified patients and physicians, as it is not part of any state program. In fact, people who want to undergo euthanasia don’t have to apply to health departments. They simply have to refer to a qualified physician.

For a patient to be eligible for euthanasia, there are certain criteria that must be meet:

  • Must establish residency in Oregon, Washington or Vermont.
  • Must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Must be able to make and communicate personal decisions regarding health care.
  • Must be diagnosed with an illness that will lead to death in six months.

Although there are cases where euthanasia proves helpful, not everyone will agree that it is humane, especially on a religious perspective. This is why it is one of the most heated debates that have been going on for some time now. After all, only God has the right to take life away. Where do you stand in this issue? It is best to know the pros and cons of this act.

List of Pros of Death with Dignity Act

1. Give people the right to die.
An excerpt from the ACLU Amicus Brief in Vacco v. Quill state: “The right of a competent, terminally ill person to avoid excruciating pain and embrace a timely and dignified death bears the sanction of history and is implicit in the concept of ordered liberty”. This means a ban on physician-assisted death would violate a patient’s right to choose not to suffer any longer.

2. Keep people from suffering.
Through the Death with Dignity act, terminally ill patients who are at the end of their lives can choose to die than suffer for a long time. What is the point of living when their quality of life is at an all-time low? Waiting to die naturally would not justify the suffering that happens in between.

List of Cons of Death with Dignity Act

1. Ethically incorrect.
Physician-assisted death is often considered inhumane and immoral. This is why opponents believed that it must be prohibited by law. No individual has the right to end someone’s life, as this can be likened to homicide or murder.

2. Go against health care ethics.
Medical technology is supposed to protect life, but it is now being used to end it. Rather than rehabilitate and provide palliative care, end-of-life care options are now being offered as a favorable alternative. Shouldn’t caregivers and health care providers help alleviate pain instead of offering an option to end it permanently?

3. Lead to patients being taken advantage of.
It has been known to happen that family members would try to influence a patient into requesting euthanasia for their personal gains. This is why there will always be a question of whether the patient’s decision is made independently or with the insistence of others.