Bible Verses

Bible Verses

34 Bible Verses On Needing God

We always hear people say that Jesus is all we need, but the thing is, He’s not just all we need. Jesus is all we have. Jesus gives a purpose for life. Withou...
Bible Verses

38 Bible Verses On Miscarriage

A miscarriage is the emotional roller coaster of riding high on the expectancy of a new baby to the lowest depths of pain from loss. Miscarriages can come witho...
Bible Verses

25 Bible Verses On Honoring God

To honor means to “make heavy, to weigh down; and to carry weight.” You honor God when you allow His Word to carry so much weight in your life that nothin...
Bible Verses

24 Bible Verses On Grieving

Grief is an emotion common to the human experience, and we witness the process of grief throughout the biblical narrative. Multiple Bible characters experienced...