ANWR Oil Drilling Pros and Cons List

For oil industry figures, political figures, environmental activists, and many others, the subject of ANWR oil drilling pros and cons is a controversial one. Are there benefits to drilling? Absolutely? Are there consequences of varying severity? Definitely. The question then becomes a matter of which camp outweighs the others. In order to make up your own mind, you will need to look at ANWR oil drilling pros and cons very carefully.

List Of Pros Of ANWR Oil Drilling

1. Economic Benefits
Even as we continue to explore green energy alternatives to fossil fuels, there is no question that oil still holds sway. Not only would the influx of oil benefit the economy in a general way, but it would also provide a number of jobs.

2. Sociological Benefits
Those who live in or around the areas in which the drilling would occur would also benefit, particularly in the form of better schools and hospitals.

3. Alternative Energy Benefits
As we continue to look at alternative energy sources, the idea is to also cut down our dependence on foreign oil in the meantime. ANWR oil drilling would make this possible.

4. National Defense Benefits
Decreasing our dependency on foreign oil can also help to decrease the amount of money that goes to governments that may or not may not support terrorist organizations that pose a threat to the United States.

List Of Cons Of ANWR Oil Drilling

1. Negative Sociological Consequences
Oil drilling in Alaska has given us such problems as increased instances of both alcoholism and diabetes, in terms of the communities surrounding the drilling sites.

2. Pollution
The range of pollutants released through ANWR oil drilling is staggering, almost terrifying. These pollutants are going to be a factor, regardless of how green the drilling practices strive to be.

3. Danger to Animals
There is no getting around the fact that drilling is extremely problematic with the natural environment. This is particularly true for the animals that call the region in question home. There have been a number of environmental headaches associated with drilling, and ANWR oil drilling would simply represent more of the same.

4. Long-Term Consequences
We must consider all of the above consequences being taken as a whole, and then being applied to society as a whole, over a prolonged period of time. It’s not pleasant.