December 2015

VA Hybrid Loan Pros and Cons List

VA Hybrid Loan Pros and Cons List

The general public, particularly veterans, feel cautious when it comes to the term “arm loan”, and they have the right to be so. With the conventional arm l...
Bible Verses

29 Bible Verses On Selfishness

Selfishness is that attitude of being concerned with one’s own interests above the interests of others. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war...
Bible Verses

28 Bible Verses On Relying On God

Relying on god means we rely on him and depend on his reliability. Having faith means realizing that God is bigger, greater, and better than me – and he loves...
Bible Verses

20 Bible Verses On Questioning God

Is it wrong to question God? Many times in the Bible we see believers questioning God such as Habakkuk who asks why is this evil happening? God later answers hi...
Bible Verses

28 Bible Verses On Praising God

One Hebrew word for “praise” is yadah, meaning “praise, give thanks, or confess.” A second word often translated “praise” in the Old Testament is za...
Bible Verses

34 Bible Verses On Needing God

We always hear people say that Jesus is all we need, but the thing is, He’s not just all we need. Jesus is all we have. Jesus gives a purpose for life. Withou...