The issue on term limits for Congress has been an ongoing debate for years now and with some advocates proposing for its enactment, the controversial topic has again taken the limelight. Will limiting the number of terms a Congressman can have work for the country? To get an idea, here are arguments expressed by proponents and critics regarding term limits for Congress.
List of Pros for Congress Term Limits for Congress
1. It deters corruption of government officials.
One of the contentions of advocates for Congress term limits point out that the longer a person in power, such as a congressman, stay in office, the bigger the possibility for him or her to be more hungry for power and wealth which might make the person corrupt. However, if the time is limited and a politician is not eligible to run for another term, there will be lesser room for corruption since special interests will not be able to ask favors easily in exchange for donations for the supposedly next term.
2. It gives way to fresh and dynamic politics.
If term limits for Congress will be enacted, deserving people who have not yet run for the seat will be given a chance to serve. As opposed to a political system which allows congressmen to run for several terms, a limited term in Congress can mean fresh ideas coming from younger politicians who may have new contributions to make.
3. It encourages politicians to do better service.
Supporters of term limits for Congress see it as a way for members of Congress to pay more attention on doing their jobs and serving their constituents. Since they will not be allowed to run or extend terms, there will be no reason for them to be distracted by focusing on how they will win on the next election.
List of Cons of Term Limits for Congress
1. It gives room to inexperienced politicians.
Critics of term limits argue that most new politicians tend to be ideological and lack the experience long-term politicians have. They also point out that young or new legislators may be too impulsive or eager to prove their skills and capabilities, making them reluctant to compromise on issues which is important to solve problems in the government. Being new legislators, this might bring about hindrances when it comes to passing laws and approving budgets for legit government programs.
2. Performing and honest leaders will not be able to continue good service.
Opponents of term limits for Congress contend that if this is adopted by states, Congressmen who have shown excellent performance will not be able to finish their long term projects. Also, people who are not in favor of term limits are concerned the next legislators to be elected might not be able to continue the legacy of seasoned politicians since they were not the ones who started these projects.
3. It can affect government projects and disrupt the timetable of projects.
Another argument of opponents of term limits for Congress is its possible effect on public works and legislation projects started before the election of a new legislator. They say that regular transitions in Congress or Senate can cause these projects to be accomplished longer since it will be handled by new legislators who might not have the experience or the passion for the said projects they will inherit in case they get elected.
Term limits for Congress are amenable to some while others doubt that it will ever be enacted. There are some states that have already adopted term limits and not all have positive feedback about it. Weighing its pros and cons is important before coming up with a concrete decision that can affect the nation as a whole.