Prenatal Testing Pros and Cons List

Whether or not it was a planned pregnancy, expecting a baby can be very exciting. But to ensure that the baby comes out healthy, it’s essential that parents go through the necessary medical check-ups and tests. One of the things that parents can choose to undergo is prenatal testing. This will tell them whether or not they’re baby will have any anomalies, medical problems, or chromosomal abnormalities when it’s born. While there are some great benefits to prenatal testing, some choose not to have it done for several negative reasons.

List or Pros of Prenatal Testing

1. Preparedness
If and when a prenatal test comes out with positive results, the parents can prepare for the things to come by learning more about their child’s condition, purchasing the necessary items for special care, and understanding the available treatment options to manage the condition. This is ideal for when the child is born, so parents aren’t left clueless about what to do.

2. No Surprises
One of the most painful things a parent can endure is to give birth to a child with defects or disease. This could cause negative psychological effects on the parents, especially if they believed that their child would be born healthy. By undergoing a prenatal test, parents can be certain of their child’s state and will be spared the surprise of giving birth of a child with abnormalities.

3. Termination
If parents find out the existing condition and they are made aware of the treatment and management necessary to sustain the child, they can then make the decision to terminate the pregnancy. This saves them from having to spend money they don’t have to sustain a child.

List of Cons of Prenatal Testing

1. Psychological Effects
Parents who are awakened to the reality of their child’s condition can feel defeated and in despair, despite the chance to prepare. Negative ides of parenthood can develop and could cause problems within the partnership.

2. Potential Cures
In the event that parents decide to terminate their baby, they could give up the chance to see their baby in good health if a cure is developed in the future. A baby could be deprived of the chance at a normal life if it’s aborted prior to birth.

3. Cost
Prenatal testing is an expensive procedure that not all parents can afford to avail. That said, it could be wise for some parents with limited finances to skip the procedure and simply hope for the best.