For years and years now, some of the world’s greatest athletes have been taking advantage of everything that plyometric training has to offer.
A workout and training program style designed to maximize athletic performance while also boosting strength, speed, and endurance, when you leverage everything that this training style has to offer you’ll be able to get every drop of performance out of your body possible.
You’ll really be able to reach your genetic potential and reap the rewards of all your hard work!
At the same time, plyometric training isn’t for everyone.
Plyometric sessions are going to really put you through your paces, taxing your body to its uppermost limits. You’ll definitely feel the burn when you’re done with a session as short as 5 minutes – and when you start to ramp things up to 10, 15, and 20 minute sessions you’ll REALLY feel the power of this training sessions working for you.
List of Pros of Plyometric Training
1. Plyometric training sessions are designed to improve your power, your speed, and your explosive ability to accelerate.
2. Because you’re going to be exerting so much energy and force in such a concentrated amount of time your body will continue to burn fat for fuel hours after your workout has completed.
3. Seven minute abs may be nothing more than a late night infomercial pitch, but you can really cram an hour long workout into 20 minutes or so when you switch to plyometric training protocols.
4. Your entire body will be shocked into action when you work out like this, activity all muscle fibers and your central nervous system.
List of Cons of Plyometric Training Cons
1. These kinds of training protocols are NOT for new athletes or those looking to get back into shape after a long injury.
2. Plyometric training requires a longer warm up and cool down process or the risk of injury shoots up dramatically.
3. It’s really (REALLY) easy to overdo things when you’re training this way – especially since these training sessions have such short durations.
4. Lower body injuries are quite common, especially for those that aren’t used to working out at this kind of pace.
Final Verdict
At the end of the day, plyometric training has the capability to completely change your life for the better (and almost overnight at that).
You’ll be able to develop explosive speed, raw power, and tremendous acceleration AND endurance – but you can’t just dive right into these kinds of programs and protocols.
Take things easy at first (sticking to 5 minute starter sessions until you get into the swing of things) and you’ll have nothing to worry about!