Mandatory Recycling Pros And Cons List

Recycling is a task that offers many more benefits than separating trash from recyclable materials around the world. It is something that can be financially beneficial for communities and can make a large difference in households. Although there are advantages to mandatory recycling, there are disadvantages as well.

List of Pros of Mandatory Recycling

1. Educating Communities
One of the most well known benefits of mandatory recycling is the ability to educate home owners about how recycling can help the environment. Households will be given educational materials and systems that can give them the information that they need to see how recycling is necessary in terms of reducing the waste in landfills. The more information everyone has, the more likely they are to use the new system to their advantage.

2. Creating Jobs
Instead of throwing everything into one bag and hiring a single team to sort through the trash, recycling creates more local jobs. This is because you will need a team to sort through recycling and a team to sort through regular trash. Whether you’re searching for part-time or full-time waste management career opportunities, more will easily be available. This leads to a more stimulated economy which is essential for communities.

3. Helping the Environment
Above all, mandatory recycling programs help to ensure that eliminating the amount of fossil fuels needed to make new products or to break down existing ones protects the environment.

List of Cons of Mandatory Recycling

1. Low Household Compliance
Even though households have access to an ample amount of information about the benefits of recycling, many home owners still refuse to take advantage of mandatory recycling systems. You’ll find that many houses still throw away materials that can easily be recycled, because it’s easier than organizing waste from recyclables.

2. Start-Up Costs
When a recycling system is implemented, there are costs associated with making new trucks that deal exclusively with materials, hiring staff, and creating facilities to turn existing materials into new ones. This can be quite a costly venture for local governments to implement.

3. Increasing Household Bills
When you think about the costs associated with mandatory recycling, you have to remember that the government isn’t going to pay for it on its own. Instead, they turn to the residents of the area and increase the cost of a variety of household bills including utilities and property taxes. This can make it harder for home owners to budget their finances accordingly.