Illegal Immigration Pros and Cons List

Many people think that there are little to no benefits associated with illegal immigration, but that is not always the case. At times, illegal immigrants give countries the ability to boost their population and stimulate their economy in a unique way. Though there are numerous reasons as to why illegal immigration should be stopped, there are both sides to the story. Below are a list of the most prevalent pros and cons of illegal immigration.

List of Pros of Illegal Immigration

1. Demand for Low Wage Workers
Every company wants to be able to hire employees for less as it gives the business the ability to succeed and gather more profits that they can reinvest into their products and services. With illegal immigrants, the economy will remain in balance, as the need for low-wage workers will always be fulfilled. This is because most illegal immigrants do not have the schooling or experience needed for high paying jobs.

2. Saving the Lives of Migrants
There are hundreds of reasons as to why illegal immigrants move to different countries, the most popular being the quality of life that they once had. With the ability to move into a safer environment, illegal immigrants are able to avoid all of the fear and disaster that they once had to deal with on a regular basis. Instead, they have the opportunity to take advantage of free will and liberty to live their lives the way that they have always wanted.

3. Sales Tax Increases
One of the main concerns that many people have with illegal immigrants is that they don’t pay taxes, and although they typically don’t pay income tax, they do contribute in other ways. For example, every family is going to need to buy food, clothing, toys, etc. on a regular basis. With each purchase there is a sales tax included that illegal immigrants have no choice but to pay. This can be useful for contributing to the country’s economy. This is also true for illegal immigrants that purchase real estate, as they still have to pay property taxes.

4. Contributing to Banks
Everyone needs to be able to put their money somewhere safe and that is no different for illegal immigrants. Much like citizens of a country, illegal immigrants will be paying the banks for their services, either as a result of dividends or interest for each of their accounts. They also have the ability to take out loans, which is essential for stimulating the financial economy of a country.

List of Cons of Illegal Immigration

There may be several advantages to having illegal immigrants in a country, but there are also arrays of disadvantages to take into consideration. In fact, most people are more concerned about the cons, which is why illegal immigration is a topic of concern throughout many countries.

1. Avoiding Criminal Penalties
One of the main reasons as to why there is a judicial system is to deter criminals from committing heinous acts, as they are afraid of having to serve their time or receive a punishment for the crimes they have committed. With illegal immigrants they can be convicted of a felony, be released on bail, and then decide to move back to their originating country in order to avoid facing jail time. This eliminates the fear of being responsible for your actions when you have illegally immigrated into a new country.

2. Overcrowded Populations
Although having more people contribute to certain parts of the economy is beneficial, it can also make it more difficult to live in smaller towns and cities. The more illegal immigrants there are in a city, the more likely overcrowding is. This results in an increased reliance of public transit, more people in popular areas such as shopping centers, and even a decrease in available properties for naturalized citizens. Overcrowding is one of the main concerns that residents have with illegal immigration as it takes opportunities away from legal citizens.

3. Unstable Ethnic Variety
It’s always important that areas experience a variety of different cultures, but it’s a trend for illegal immigrants to settle in a specific area and dominate the existing cultures and races. This creates an unstable ethnic variety that can be difficult for many residents to live with, as it results in a dominance of a particular language, different types of food, and even a dominance of religion.

4. Increased Human Trafficking
It is also incredibly common for illegal immigration to bring more issues of drug and human trafficking into the countries that they have fled to. This is a growing concern within the United States of America in particular, where individuals referred to as coyotes are transporting people across the border. Families are forced to pay these individuals thousands of dollars to bring their family members to the United States illegally. Sometimes the family members are able to settle in the new country and other times, they are killed or continually sold for profit.