Ethanoic Acid Pros and Cons List

There are many different types of acids that have been discovered, but ethanoic acid is one of the weaker options. This is an organic compound that is also known as acetic acid. If you have ever tasted vinegar, you are familiar with the sour taste that is present. This is the acid that gives vinegar its sour taste and distinguishable smell. If you are looking to learn more about this specific type of acid, it is a good idea to begin by learning about the pros and cons of ethanoic acid. This will give you a great starting point and allow you to know all there is about this acid and how it is used.

Pros of Ethanoic Acid

One thing that is a positive about ethanoic acid is that it is one of the simplest acids that exists. This means that creating this compound is fairly easy. It has a pure water free state that is colorless and it can freeze in this state if it is in a temperature that is below 62 degrees. This means that if you are looking for one of the simplest acid compounds to create, this is typically the best option that you can choose.

Food Additive
Another big pro of this acid is as a food additive. It is one of the most important ingredients in vinegar and it is what gives vinegar the taste and smell that all are so familiar with. However, it is added to a number of other foods that require this acidic taste.

Cons of Ethanoic Acid

Eye Irritation
Even though there are some pros surrounding this type of acid, it should be noted that there are a few cons that you should also be aware of. Ethanoic acid is known for causing eye irritation. This means that when you are around this acid or even eating foods that contain it as an additive, you need to be sure that you do not have any contact with your eyes. This will only cause your eyes to become irritated and red. This is because this is one of the acids that is known for being corrosive, so you must be careful when you are handling it in any way.

Nose Irritation
Not only can this acid irritate your eyes, but it is also an acid that is known for irritating the nose. This means that if you inhale it this might cause your nose to burn slightly.