Blood Doping Pros and Cons List

Blood doping is considered an illegal method of enhancing an athlete’s performance by boosting the blood’s ability to carry more oxygen to muscles artificially. The method has been banned by various sports organizations and also by the international Olympic committee as it raises numerous issues. Blood doping is meant to raise the amounts of hemoglobin (oxygen-carrying protein in the blood) in the blood stream. A high amount of hemoglobin means that the muscles are able to get enough oxygen required for respiration for energy to be released consequently improving performance as well as stamina. Here are the major pros and cons of blood doping.

List of Pros of Blood Doping

The advantages that blood doping gives to competitors in sports are numerous. Athletes and bodybuilders choose to do blood doping to reduce fatigue, enhance performance and build muscles mass enabling them to perform tirelessly even at the most physically demanding activity. Doping does not only assist one in becoming more aggressive in the field, but also increases one’s speed and endurance levels. Thus blood doping:

1. Increases muscle mass
2. Increases one’s overall weight gain
3. Increases strength
4. Offers Feelings of confidence and positivity (euphoria)
5. Increases aggressiveness
6. Increases muscle definition and leanness

List of Cons of Blood Doping

Finding a fastest and quickest way to winning is human nature and in sports this applies too. Even though blood doping has immediate short term advantages, its side effects and disadvantages outweighs any good that might have possibly come with it. The obsession of winning has prompted people into doing things to their bodies to gain advantage now and immediate without thinking of the compromises they might be getting themselves into in the long ran. Some of the disadvantages that come with blood doping include:

1. Exposure to cardiovascular diseases
2. Increased risk of psychosis
3. Acne
4. Increased risk of cancer, kidney and liver disease
5. Bad breath
6. Decreased sex drive
7. Increased aggressiveness and violent outbursts
8. Insomnia
9. Risk nose bleeds
10. Aching joints
11. Water retention
12. Risk of developing mood swings including depression and mania
13. Immune system functioning ineffectiveness
14. Exposure to muscle tears, cramps and tendon injuries

In addition to health complications, doping creates an unfair advantage which makes game not just. Athletes don’t just engage in such practices to level the playing odds, they do it to gain an advantage. Choosing to take drugs does not happen accidentally it is rather a planned and deliberate move. Moreover, if everyone was to take part in doping then the vicious cycle will simply grow which will consequently make sports and competitions that were initially meant to mean something extreme, meaningless and violent.