Baby Vaccinations Pros and Cons List

If you’re a new parent, you’re probably wondering if you should have your infant vaccinated or not. This can be confusing, since you’ll hear or read mixed messages on radio programs, TV shows, newspapers, and magazines. To make the right decision, you need to keep this in mind: baby vaccinations can bring several benefits, but they may also have several disadvantages.

List of Pros of Baby Vaccinations

1. They can protect your child from certain diseases.
If you look at third-world countries, you’ll notice that polio, whooping cough, and other illnesses are common among their population. This is due to the fact that the people in these places often don’t have the funds to buy vaccinations for their infants or simply don’t have access good medical care.

In most first-world countries, though, you’ll notice that these illnesses aren’t present or are on their way to extinction. One reason for this is that many people have received vaccines that help them fight these diseases. So, by having your baby vaccinated, you know that there’s a low chance of him being affected by deadly illnesses.

2. They are safe.
Baby vaccinations go through a long review process by scientists and healthcare staff and continue to be monitored even when they’re released to the public. Because of these, these professionals can certify that the vaccines safe to use.

3. They can help you save money.
Since your child will be protected from various diseases, he’ll most likely won’t develop them as he grows. As a result, you won’t have to spend a lot of money on hospitalizations, medications, treatments, and therapies that these illnesses would require.

List of Cons of Baby Vaccinations

1. They can harm the immune system.
Some experts point out that baby vaccination doesn’t imitate the body’s natural immunization process. In the natural process, bacteria and viruses enter the body through the nose or mouth. This triggers one branch of the immune system called the TH1, which hunts down these invaders, identifies what they are, and destroys them. The second branch, called the TH2, facilitates the production of antibodies.

The vaccination process, however, bypasses TH1 by directly injecting antigens into the body. Experts say that this procedure can change the natural pattern of the immune system and incorrectly stimulate it. Those who have asthma and allergies, for instance, are said to have “wrongly stimulated” immune systems.

2. They can contain dangerous substances.
Manufacturing and preserving baby vaccinations require the use of mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, and other harmful ingredients. These chemicals are present in vaccinations at low amounts, which experts say aren’t dangerous to long-term health. However, many parents refuse to have their infants vaccinated because they don’t want to expose them to these harsh substances.

3. They always carry the risk of severe allergic reaction.
Anaphylaxis (aka severe allergic reaction) is very rare, with some experts saying that they occur only in one out of several hundred thousand cases (or even one in a million cases). However, the fact remains that it is always present in all types of vaccinations.

These are some of the pros and cons of vaccinating your infant. Weigh them carefully to decide if vaccinations are good for your baby or not.