Vegetarianism Pros and Cons List

About 5 percent of the population in the US does not eat meat, including poultry and seafood, and they are vegetarians. The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) includes meat as an important component of a balanced diet, but it also states that vegetarianism can still meet the recommended dietary allowances for nutrients.

Now, many proponents of this eating habit also say that eating meat would have unfavorable effects, often arguing that killing animals for food is cruel and unethical, while opponents say that meat consumption is healthful and humane and that producing vegetables can cause the same environmental effects as that of meat. To get a well-informed opinion about vegetarianism, let us take a look at the pros and cons.

List of Pros of Vegetarianism

1. It can deliver complete nutrition and can provide health benefits.
The American Dietetic Association claims that vegetarian diet can efficiently meet protein requirements, including the essential amino acids, and improve health. Aside from protein, it can also provide the necessary fats, vitamins and minerals.

2. It reduces the chances of developing gallstones and kidney stones.
Diets that are high in animal protein can cause our body to excrete oxalate, calcium and uric acid, which are the main components of gallstones and kidney stones. In fact, these types of diet were found to responsible for the high rates of kidney stones in the US, according to a peer review.

3. It can lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Among the contributors of greenhouse gases are enteric fermentation, manure decomposition and deforestation, which occur by grazing animals and growing feeds. As per the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, raising animals for food creates almost a fifth of greenhouse gases created across the globe, which is more than that coming from vehicles. Also, producing a pound of hamburger meat can contribute as much greenhouse gas as driving a small car across nearly 20 miles. Moreover, a peer review found that meat diets caused the creation of more than 50 percent greenhouse gas emissions than vegetarian diets.

List of Cons of Vegetarianism

1. It misses meat, which is the most convenient source of protein available.
In a usual serving of food, the component providing all the essential amino acids is the meat. Not only that meat provides protein, but other essential nutrients as well, such as zinc, iron and B vitamins. Meanwhile, most plant foods do not provide sufficient levels of essential amino acids in one serving.

2. It is not necessarily better for the environment.
Fact is, almost all of the cropland in the US suffers from top soil loss, and around 90% of soybeans, which are a staple vegetarian protein, are planted with genetically modified soy, which is immune to herbicides. This can lead to farmers dousing their fields with huge quantities of weed-killing herbicides, which are not good for plants, animals and fish in the area.

3. It can cause death of animals too.
An Oregon State University study shows that about 6 animals per acre, including rabbits, birds and mice, that make agricultural crop fields their habitat are killed during harvest.


Like any other critical issues, vegetarianism certainly has its pros and cons. Based on the lists above, are you interested in becoming a vegetarian yourself? Well, the bottom line is, things will definitely work for each of us if we get around them responsibly.