Bible Verses

Bible Verses

25 Bible Verses On Condolences

You know you should say something, but you just cannot find the right words.Sometimes you should just listen, but when the time is right offering words of condo...
Bible Verses

30 Bible Verses On Brotherly Love

Brotherly love in the biblical sense is an extension of the natural affection associated with near kin, toward the greater community of fellow believers. A n...
Bible Verses

20 Bible Verses Love Thy Neighbor

Love thy neighbor" is not as hard as it looks on the surface. It simply means respecting others and regarding their needs and desires as highly as we regard our...
Bible Verses

32 Bible Verses On Hypocrisy

In essence, “hypocrisy” refers to the act of claiming to believe something but acting in a different manner. The word is derived from the Greek term for “...
Bible Verses

35 Bible Verses On Heartbreak

Throughout life many of us go through several relationships, which often leads to heartbreak. Sadness and disappointment can consume thoughts and feelings and c...
Bible Verses

35 Bible Verses On Gluttony

Gluttony is generally defined as "excessive eating." In the Bible, the word glutton and its variants are often mentioned alongside drunkenness. Therefore, it is...
Bible Verses

28 Bible Verses On Glorifying God

Glorifying God means to acknowledge His greatness and give Him honor by praising and worshiping Him, primarily because He, and He alone, deserves to be praised,...
Bible Verses

40 Bible Verses On Frustation

A feeling of disappointment or defeat at being unable to accomplish one's purpose.Bible Verses on the topic of Frustration. Our selection of short Bible Verses ...